Monday 21 April 2014

Claire Treemont is a small-town coroner with a small-town social life -- as in, nonexistent. When a yummy body enters her life one night at the county morgue, Claire is astonished to find she's pretty sad he's dead. I mean, honestly, how often does someone like her get to gaze upon a body like that? Zachariah Kowalski's got an affliction that has him waking up in places that are, to say the least, inconvenient. He also has a life mate who escapes him from century to century just as they're about to seal the vampire deal. Kinda frustrating, huh? Add in a best friend, Jarrod, who's ever so helpful, and an ex who'd rather see him dead than with another woman, and you get... trouble. Oh, and a wild, passionate ride against time...


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